Clinical services provided by the Practice Nurse, GPs and Phlebotomist include:
Clinical services provided by the Practice Nurse, GPs and Phlebotomist include:
- Anti-coagulation clinic
- Asthma Management
- Cardiovascular Screening
- Family Planning Services
- Immuniations
- Some Travel Vaccinations
- Diabetes Management
- Cervical Cytology Screening
- COPD Management
- Baby and Children’s Immunisations and Checks
- Minor Injury Services
- New Patient Health Checks
- Wound Dressing
- Routine Blood Tests
- Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Weight Monitoring
- Some Minor Surgery procedures can be undertaken at the surgery by Dr Lloyd -Evans. Please arrange an initial appointment with the doctor to discuss this.
- Insurance Medicals, HGV Medicals, Fostering / Adoption Medicals can be performed by the GPs. There will be a fee payable for undertaking these.
Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccinations
Each new strain of influenza requires an annual vaccination to protect those at risk of serious side effects. Patients with asthma, diabetes, heart disease, renal failure, on long term steroid tablets or on chemotherapy as well as all those over 65 years of age and carers are recommended to receive immunisation each Autumn. The flu clinics at the surgery run from September / October.
Patients with Asplenia or severe dysfunction of the spleen, chronic renal disease, chronic heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, chronic liver disease, cochlear implants, immunodeficiency or immunosuppression due to disease or treatment or are over 65 are routinely offered and advised to have a pneumococcal vaccination. This can be given at any time of the year. This is a one off vaccination, although certain at-risk groups may require a second Pneumococcal vaccination.